Bradley Thomas Turner

Movie Magic

Immersive Experiences

Growing up in the 1990s, during the final gasp of pre-digital animation’s near-ubiquity, I was obsessed with Nickelodeon cartoons and music-driven board game commercials (the “Crossfire” theme has never left my subconscious). At the age of 5, I’ll have you know, I informed my parents of my intent to become an animator at Disney. This childhood dream was not realized, but perhaps serves to explain my preservation of near-extinct techniques like “mickey mousing”, i.e. the synchronizing of the musical score with action taking place on the screen, and employment of true analog synthesizers when so much of the music world has shifted to fully digital, virtual instruments. Furthermore, I love when the boundaries of sound design and score are blurred, and I get the chance to be responsible for creating both, as I did in the projects below.
Hired Hand